TRAVELER’S notebook Limited Set MOOMIN from the book “The Happy Moomins”

トラベラーズノート オリーブの革カバーには、ムーミンとスナフキンがムーミンやしきの近くの川にかかる橋の手すりに並んで座る挿絵と、スナフキンがそこで歌っていた詩を箔押しで表現。冬眠から目覚めて、ふたりで春の訪れを存分に楽しんでいます。
※講談社 ムーミン全集【新版】『たのしいムーミン一家』/トーベ・ヤンソン:著/山室 静:訳より
こちらはムーミン公式ショップMOOMIN SHOP ONLINE(運営:ゾーウィー株式会社)にて先行発売後、2024年12月23日よりトラベラーズファクトリー オンラインショップにて抽選販売のご応募を受け付けます。(当選した場合の商品のお送りは1月下旬ごろになります)
トラベラーズファクトリー >
トラベラーズファクトリーオンラインショップ >
Since 2021, TRAVELER’S COMPANY has been releasing collaborative items focusing on the Moomin works, and now we are pleased to introduce a limited set of TRAVELER’S notebook and customized items based on the novel “The Happy Moomins”.
“The Happy Moomins” was published in 1948 as the Moomin novel. The novel opens with Moomintroll waking up from hibernation after a long winter in the Moomin Valley. The spring weather is beautiful, and Moomintroll decides to climb a mountain by the sea with his good friends Snufkin and Sniff. At the top of the mountain, they find a black hat. It was the magical hat of the Hobgoblin, which could change the shape anything it was put inside.
A mysterious incident begins with this hat. An Adventure journey to an island where Hattifatteners live by the Moomin family. Thingumy and Bob, The Groke and Hobgoblin, as well as other fascinating characters. In addition, the Moomin House becomes a jungle and a party is held by the Moomin family, “The Happy Moomins”. a work in which the world of the Moomin Valley, full of wonder, fun, and kindness, can be fully enjoyed.
The collaboration item was designed by picking up words and illustrations of the characters from the novel “The Happy Moomins”.
The leather cover of TRAVELER’S notebook Olive features an illustration of Moomintroll and Snufkin sitting side by side on the railing of a bridge over the river near the Moominhouse, and the poem Snufkin sang there is stamped in foil. They are waking up from hibernation and fully enjoying the arrival of spring together.
The cover of the refill features a letterpress and foil stamped scene of Thingumy and Bob opening the trunk containing the King’s Ruby and showing it to Moomintroll. The red foil stamping, which glows like rubies, creates an impressive finish. The King’s Ruby, which the Hobgoblin had been looking for a long time, belonged to Thingumy and Bob, who spoke a strange language that only they could understand. Moomintroll was moved beyond words by their beauty.
“Do you like it mery vutch?” asked Thingumy.
“Yes,” said Moomintroll Faintly.
“And noe you won’t cry any more, will you?” said Bob.
Moomintroll shook his head. (*)
The charm was designed using the Hattifatteners motif. In the novel, the Moomins rowed out to sea on their adventure ship and landed on a remote islet. There, they encounter many Hattifatteners. The Hattifatteners are characterized by the fact that they act in groups. Therefore, please attach the three slightly differently shaped Hattifatteners to your TRAVELER’S notebook together.
The brass ballpoint pen is also designed in the motif of the Hattifatteners. The yellow body is reminiscent of the Hattifatteners storing electricity from lightning, and is printed with the Hattifatteners peeking out from the shade of a tree.
The items are packaged in a book-inspired box with five different stickers that depict scenes from the novel along with illustrations. TRAVELER’S notebook and the customized items invites you to feel the world of “The Happy Moomins” story as you hold them in your hand.
*From “The Happy Moomins” / Tove Jansson: author
This collaboration is only available in Japan under Moomin’s license agreement.
MOOMIN SHOP ONLINE (Moomin official online shop in Japan) will have these items available for pre-sale. Afterward, they will be available for pre-order at TRAVELER’S FACTORY Online Shop from December 23, 2024. (If the number of reservations exceeds the number of items to be sold, a lottery will be held. The product will be delivered in the end of January.)
* These are of limited availability. In case they are sold out or out of stock, we would appreciate your understanding.
* These are only available in Japan.

This is a limited set of TRAVELER’S notebook and customized items based on the novel “The Happy Moomins.”
01 コットンケース / Cotton Bag
02 牛革カバー オリーブ / Leather Cover Olive
03 ノートリフィル / Notebook Refill
04 チャーム / Pewter Charm
05 ステッカー/ Stickers
06 ブラス ボールペン / Brass Ball Point Pen

*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.