Collect TRC PARTNER SHOPS Original Stamps!

ベルリンのLUIBANはカレーソーセージ、マドリードのEL MODERNOはタパスとビール、マレーシアのセレンバンにあるTABIYOはシューパオ(焼包)など、土地の名物料理だったり、ポートランドのOBLATIONはフッド山、韓国の大邱にあるPaperboy Studioは大邱タワーなど、地元の名所だったり、それぞれの土地や店舗を象徴するモチーフを店主から提案していただきデザインしたスタンプです。
Here, you will find information on each of the Partner Shops, as well as recommendations of places to visit in the neighborhood by the owners of each store. Just by looking at the photos of the shop owners’ unique stores, which are full of their own personality and recommendations, you can feel like you are on a trip for a moment.
At the Partner Shops, you can find some of the limited products from TRAVELER’S FACTORY, a directly managed store of TRAVELER’S COMPANY, and now we have prepared an original stamp that is even more exclusive to the stores.
The stamps include local specialties such as curry sausage for LUIBAN in Berlin, tapas and beer for EL MODERNO in Madrid, and siew pao (baked bread) for TABIYO in Seremban, Malaysia. You can also spot main sights such as Mount Hood for OBLATION in Portland, Oregon, and Daegu Tower for Paperboy in Daegu, Korea. The stamps were designed based on suggestions from shop owners of motifs that symbolize their respective locations and shops.
There are still some towns where it is difficult to travel freely, and it may not always be easy to travel across borders, However, when you have the opportunity to travel, please visit one of our partner stores and collect the stamp in your TRAVELER’S notebook as a proof of your trip to that place! Please visit one of our partner shops and stamp your TRAVELER’S notebook with a stamp!

Please visit one of our partner shops and stamp your TRAVELER’S notebook with a stamp!
*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.