そんな中、2019年、同じ旅をテーマにした両ブランドのプロダクトを一緒に使うことで旅をもっと楽しくしたいとの思いから、コラボレーションアイテムを製作することが決定。TO&FROは、トラベラーズノートなどがぴったり収納できるトラベルギアを、トラベラーズカンパニーは、TO&FROのロゴが刻印されたトラベラーズノートを製作しました。2019年6月12日より、それぞれの直営店、TO&FRO HANEDAとトラベラーズファクトリー各店にて同時開催でフェアを行うのとあわせて発売いたします。
TRAVELER’S FACTORY sells the popular TO&FRO traveling gear, such as organizer since its launch, which is made of high function ultralight cloth with water repellency by the company having the technology to “make the world’s thinnest and lightest cloth.”
In 2019 we decided to share both products on the same theme “travel” and to produce collaboration items in order to make happier travels.
TO&FRO made traveling gear of the best size for TRAVELER’S notebook, meanwhile, TRAVELER’S COMPANY produced TRAVELER’S notebooks with the TO&FRO logo, which are to be sold from June 12, 2019, on the first day of the simultaneous fair in the direct-managed stores TO&FRO HANEDA and TRAVELER’S FACTORY.

トラベラーズノート レギュラーサイズ TO&FRO 茶/ブルー 各4,200円+税
トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズ TO&FRO 茶/ブルー 各3,400円+税
TRAVELER’S notebook TO&FRO Brown/Blue
TRAVELER’S notebook Passport Size TO&FRO Brown/Blue
TRAVELER’S notebook released with TO&FRO logo; Regular and Passport Size for both brown and blue. Strongly recommended to get with TO&FRO organizer.

トラベラーズノート レギュラーサイズ オリーブ/ブルーグレー 各1,900円+税
トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズ オリーブ/ブルーグレー 各1,700円+税
For TRAVELER’S notebook Regular Size Olive/Blue Gray
For TRAVELER’S notebook Passport Size Olive/Blue Gray
The organizer of the just size for TRAVELER’S notebook, made of the cloth “Humming Bird” as thin as possible and light as feather in original colors. The regular size can contain TRAVELER’S notebook together with a small pen case and a mobile phone. Extraordinarily light and water repellent.

The original tote bag of the just size to put in TRAVELER’S notebook with a pocket book and a wallet. Light and thin whereas strong material, with the two-layer handle. Small enough to put into the Refill Zipper Case if necessary. Water repellent.

One of TO&FRO popular items in original colors, which can contain small items such as cosmetics, pills, adhesive plasters, stationery, etc. There is also an outside part to put in masking tapes and small stationery. Water repellent.

One of TO&FRO popular standard items ORGANIZER S is released in TRAVELER’S COMPANY original colors. Big enough for a few days trip to hold underwear and shirts. Water repellent. No need to care for rain.
*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.