TAIWAN BEER × TRAVELER’S COMPANY at the eslite bookstore

また、イベント会場ではトラベラーズノートやブラスプロダクトなどの定番ラインアップに加え、「B-Sides & Rarities」も展開。さらにトラベラーズノートの15年の歴史の展示や台湾ビールとのコラボレーションを記念したスタンプやフォトスポットも登場します。
They will be holding Ideal Stationery Fair starting from October 21st to November 8th at their flagship Xinyi store, and from November 18th to December 5th at Taichung ChungYo Department store. TRAVELER’S COMPANY will have a Pop Up corner at the event.
We are pleased to announce that collaboration items between Taiwan Beer and TRAVELER’S COMPANY will be available at the event. Taiwan Beer, brewed by the Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corp with a history of more than 90 years, is one of Taiwan’s representative beer brands that can be found in pubs, restaurants, convenience stores, and supermarkets in Taiwan.
As this year is the 15th anniversary of TRAVELER’S notebook, we wanted to celebrate the 15th anniversary with a toast of Taiwan beer with the people of Taiwan, and that idea has come true! The collaboration items include a leather cover of TRAVELER’S notebook with the 15th anniversary logo in gold foil stamped on, a notebook refill with the luster of a beer bottle printed realistically, a charm featuring a miniature Taiwan beer and a bottle opener made of solid brass, a set of stickers designed in the motif of Taiwanese beer labels from the past to the present, a masking tape, and a cotton bag.
In addition, a limited Taiwan beer with an original label designed by the TRAVELER’S COMPANY and Taiwan beer glasses with a collaboration design, which are served when ordering Taiwan beer at local restaurants, will also be available.
*Please note that the limited Taiwan Beer will be sold on the 6th floor at the Xinyi store and on the 10 floor at the ChungYo department store.
In addition to the standard lineup of TRAVELER’S notebooks and brass products, “B-Sides & Rarities” will also be available at the event. Furthermore, there will be an exhibition of the 15-year history of TRAVELER’S notebooks, as well as a stamp and photo spot commemorating the collaboration with Taiwan Beer.
In Japan, collaboration items with Taiwan Beer will go on sale from October 21st at TRAVELER’S FACTORY Nakameguro, Station, and Kyoto, from October 27th at TRAVELER’S FACTORY Online Shop.
It may be a while before we can travel with peace of mind, but we would be happy if you could experience the feeling of traveling to Taiwan even a little bit with these items.
同時也很高興在這邊揭露與台灣啤酒的聯名合作!相關聯名商品在此次的POP-UP SHOP中都會販售!
在TRAVELER’S notebook 15週年之際,我們希望能用台啤與台灣的朋友舉杯慶祝,而這樣的願望也實現了!這次的聯名商品系列包含:封面有著精緻燙金酒標的TRAVELER’S notebook、呈現實際酒瓶光澤內頁封面、迷你啤酒瓶與黃銅開罐器造型的吊飾組、台灣啤酒歷年酒標貼紙組、還有紙膠帶及棉質束口袋。
此外,限量販售的台灣啤酒,將貼上由TRAVELER’S COMPANY所設計的酒標!台灣朋友非常熟悉、總會在小吃店、快炒店出現的經典啤酒杯,這次也將穿上聯名設計的外衣,同步登場!*聯名台灣啤酒,僅在POP-UP SHOP之外的誠品信義店6F展演廳、中友百貨10F誠品書店內販售。
經典的TRAVELER’S notebooks and brass系列商品,”B-Sides & Rarities”也可在POP-UP SHOP中購買。此外也將有15週年紀念展覽牆、集章點、拍照打卡點,紀念本次與台啤的合作。
與台啤聯名的系列商品,10/21起在日本TRAVELER’S FACTORY中目黑店、東京車站店、京都店都能購買。線上商店則是在10/27起開賣。
台湾・台北 誠品信義24小時旗艦店 3F Forum
2021年10月21日(木)〜 11月8日(月) 11:00-22:00
台湾・台中 台中中友百貨店 13F International Hall
2021年11月18日(木)~ 12月5日(日)
日~木 11:00-21:30
金~土 11:00-22:00
※イベント会場では感染対策のため、入場制限や日時の変更等の可能性がございます。詳細は https://meet.eslite.com/にてご確認ください。
October 21, 2021 (Thu) – November 8, 2021 (Mon) 11:00 – 22:00
ChungYo Department Store 13F International Hall, Taichung/Taiwan
November 18, 2021 (Thu) – December 5, 2021 (Sun)
Sunday~Thursday 11:00-21:30
Friday~Saturday 11:00-22:00
*Please note that due to infection control measures, there is a possibility of admission restrictions or changes to the date and time of the event. For more information, please check on https://meet.eslite.com/.
The collaboration items will be available in Japan at TRAVELER’S FACTORY Nakameguro, Station, Kyoto from October 21st, at TRAVELER’S FACTORY Online Store from October 27th.
*請留意在防疫安全考量下,現場將有人流控制,並視疫情變化調整活動規範,相關異動將於迷誠品網站公告後實施,欲確認即時資訊,請至 https://meet.eslite.com/。

This TRAVELER’S notebook was made with the idea of toasting the 15th anniversary with Taiwan Beer. The camel leather cover is stamped with the 15th anniversary logo in gold foil, inspired by the Taiwan Beer label.
與台啤一起舉杯慶祝TRAVELER’S notebook 15週年是本次的設計概念,駝色的真皮封面燙印了靈感來自台啤酒標的精緻圖案。

The cover of the refill has a design of Taiwan Beer, commemorating the 15th anniversary of TRAVELER’S notebook. The luster of the beer bottle is also realistically expressed.
內頁內頁本的封面有著台灣啤酒瓶圖案設計,以此紀念TRAVELER’S notebook 15週年!

Along with TRAVELER’S notebook, this masking tape features Taiwanese beer in a distinctive yellow case. Beer lovers will not be disappointed.
圖案設計結合TRAVELER’S notebook與獨特的台灣啤酒酒箱,是一件絕對不會讓啤酒迷失望的商品!

This charm set features a miniature Taiwanese beer and a bottle opener made of solid brass. Customize it by attaching it to the rubber band or bookmark of your TRAVELER’S notebook.

A set of stickers designed in the motif of Taiwan Beer labels from the past to the present, along with the 15th anniversary of TRAVELER’S notebook.
兩種不同尺寸的棉質束口袋,小尺寸可完美收納TRAVELER’S notebook,大尺寸方便在旅行中攜帶使用。兩種尺寸分別印有15週年紀念的台啤小罐裝、酒瓶設計。

A set of two types of drawstring bags: one is a size that fits TRAVELER’S notebook perfectly, and the other is a larger size that is convenient for traveling. Each one is printed with the design of the 15th anniversary of TRAVELER’S notebook in Taiwan beer cans and bottles.
兩種不同尺寸的棉質束口袋,小尺寸可完美收納TRAVELER’S notebook,大尺寸方便在旅行中攜帶使用。兩種尺寸分別印有15週年紀念的台啤小罐裝、酒瓶設計。

*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.