TRAVELER’S notebook & company in TAIWAN
トラベラーズノートと仲間たち in TAIWAN

カルチャーを発信する書店として人気の高い「誠品書店」台中園道店および台北敦南店の2箇所にて、9月6日(土)と7日(日)に一日ずつ開催。会場では、「トラベラーズノートと仲間たち」関連製品をはじめ、台湾のトラベルガイドをイメージしてデザインした『マスキングテープ 24mm TAIWAN GUIDE柄』、イベントロゴを配した『ブラスボールペン TAIWAN EDITION』などの台湾イベント限定商品、さらに「トラベラーズファクトリー」オリジナルアイテムの一部が海外初登場します。
“TRAVELER’S notebook & company” in TAIWAN at the eslite bookstore
9月6日(土) 11時~17時 台中園道店
9月7日(日) 11時~17時 台北敦南店
In Taiwan, the Eslite Bookstores chain is renowned for spreading culture across the island. Two of its branches, Táizhōng Yuán Dào and Dunnan, are hosting the event on Saturday, September 6th and Sunday, September 7th, respectively. Sold at the venues are many items related to “TRAVELER’S notebook & company,” as well as:
– Two items available only at the Taiwan event, “24mm Masking Tape TAIWAN GUIDE Design” designed like a travel guidebook to Taiwan, and “Brass Ball-point Pen TAIWAN EDITION,” which has the event’s logo on it.
– Some original items from the “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” that are making their debut outside Japan, at the Taiwan event.
The venues have a section where users of TRAVELER’S notebook or new buyers can customize their TRAVELER’S – right there at the event. The sections have some original stamps and stickers to let users customize their TRAVELER’S. In addition, anyone who makes a purchase of 450 Taiwan dollars or more at the event is entitled to try customizing with metal buttons (badges), something many try at TRAVELER’S FACTORY.
We will give out information on this event from our official twitter and Facebook pages as well.
Look forward to it!
[Name of event]
“TRAVELER’S notebook & company” in TAIWAN at the eslite bookstore
[The event takes place on]
Saturday, September 6th and Sunday, September 7th
This event has been closed.
Eslite Bookstores
Saturday, September 6th, 11am to 5pm, Táizhōng Yuán Dào Store
Sunday, September 7th, 11am to 5pm, Dunnan Store
*”TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.