Travel Tools Collection

Available on November 6th, 2019
Travel Toolsはトラベラーズノート 2020ダイアリーのデザインテーマ。トラベラーズノートのように旅の道具を日々の暮らしの中に持ち込むことで、旅するように毎日を過ごしてほしいとの想いでデザインしています。Travel Toolsコレクションは、紙ならでは加工や質感、真鍮の素材感などにこだわり、デザインフィル流山工場をはじめ、東京近郊のプレス工場など、すべて日本の工場で生産しています。
Our theme for TRAVELER’S notebook 2020 DIARY is Travel Tools. In true TRAVELER’S notebook fashion, they were designed to be brought with you everywhere you go to help you spend every day like a journey. For the Travel Tools collection, we were diligent about processing and texture unique to paper, the quality of the brass and all other aspects of our production, which was handled entirely in Japan at locations such as our Designphil Nagareyama Factory and pressing factories in the Tokyo area.
Refills will be available in two sizes, Regular Size and Passport Size. These are decorated with travel tools and messages expressed in a combination of letterpress printing and gold foil. The pairing of this foil and that faint, slightly engraved quality that only letterpress can achieve makes these covers one-of-a-kind. This year’s lineup also features stickers and cards with that unique letterpress feel, a brass ballpoint pen with silkscreened travel tools on a blue-gray body, a charm of solid brass engraved in the shape of a suitcase and masking tape that’s perfect for customizing your notebook.
Pick up your new notebook and items to decorate it, or attach a greeting to a card to give them as gifts and spread the joy of spending every day in 2020 like a journey!
※こちらはトラベラーズファクトリー各店、および海外店舗のみでの販売になります。販売店舗については下記 SHOP LIST(PDF)ご確認ください。
* These are of limited availability. In case they are sold out or out of stock, we would appreciate your understanding.
* These items are sold at TRAVELER’S FACTORY in Japan, and selected shops in other countries. Please check shops to sell as below.

トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズ リフィル Travel Tools
トラベラーズが考える旅の道具とメッセージを、活版印刷とゴールドの箔押で表現したトラベラーズノート リフィルです。紙加工ならではそれぞれの質感の違いとハーモニーをお楽しみいただけます。2020年を共に過ごすノートリフィルにぜひ。
TRAVELER’S notebook Refill Passport Size Travel Tools
TRAVELER’S notebook Refills are decorated with the tools and messages of a journey expressed in a combination of letterpress printing and gold foil. The paper is uniquely processed to celebrate the harmony of these different textures as you take them with you on your journey into 2020.

This matte blue-gray pen is silkscreened with travel tools. Compact enough to fit in your pocket, it’s perfect to bring with you whether you are traveling far away or headed just around the corner.

This brass charm was made at a pressing factory in the Tokyo area by experienced artisans. Made of solid brass that will deepen in color over time, it will slowly evolve into something more unique that you will grow even more and more attached to. If your suitcase is packed, you are always ready to set off on a journey, so attach this charm to your TRAVELER’S notebook and bring that sense of excitement with you on your everyday journey.

活版ステッカー Travel Tools 黄色
Letterpress Sticker Yellow
These stickers are made of textured paper that is letterpress printed to create charming indents and fading that are unique to this traditional technique. Use them to decorate your notebooks or add personality to your laptop or suitcase. Since they are made of paper, they will continue to fade over time as only paper does, adding a unique feel you are sure to enjoy.

This masking tape features a design of radios, compasses, binoculars and other travel tools punctuated by messages in a travel theme. Make your everyday feel like a journey by using the tape to decorate the items you usually bring with you. Made by Kamoi Kakoshi Co., Ltd. for assured quality.

活版カード Travel Tools 青
新しい旅に出ようとする人へ、新しい何かをはじめる人へ、旅を夢見る人へ、旅を愛する人へ、愛する旅人へ、旅人から愛する人へ、あなたのメッセージを添えてカードを送ってみてはいかがでしょうか。こちらのカードをTravel Tools コレクションに添えて、クリスマスのギフトにするのもおすすめです。
Letterpress Card Travel Tools Blue
Use the cards to wish someone well as they set out on a journey or encourage them to embark on an adventure of their own, whether they’re a fellow lover of travel, a traveler you hold dear or that special someone waiting for you at home. These cards are also perfect for attaching to a gift from the Travel Tools collection this holiday season!
Look at the globe and think of the places you most want to be.
Let the compass in your pocket be your heart’s guide.
Despite today’s conveniences, there’s just nothing like the old film cameras.
Get excited about new journeys to come while enjoying some coffee.
Grab a magnifying glass and take a closer look at a flower by the roadside.
Look at distant stars behind the buildings through some binoculars.
I don’t know about you, but the radio and books have been wonderful companions for me since I was young.
Strum a ukulele and let its eternal melodies captivate you.
A notebook is a place for you to remember the good times and get creative.
Remember, your suitcase is always waiting in the corner of your room. You can set off on a journey at any time.
Keep your travel items close at hand and you’ll feel light and free.
Wouldn’t it be nice if each day was a step in a journey with TRAVELER’S notebook?
*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.