「エースホテル京都」オープン記念 Ace Hotel × TRC
Ace Hotel × TRC to commemorate the opening Ace Hotel Kyoto

トラベラーズノート キャメルには、京都バージョンのロゴを刻印。温かみを感じる手描き文字のロゴは、日本を代表する染色家、柚木沙弥郎氏によるもの。エースホテル京都は、そのコンセプトに「イースト ミーツ ウエスト」が掲げられ、全客室には氏のテキスタイル作品が飾られています。
リフィルの表紙には、日本古来の市松模様をベースにしたエースホテル京都のオリジナルデザインを表紙にプリント。中紙には筆記性を追求した「MD用紙 クリーム」を使用。エースホテル京都の客室に置かれている便せんやメモは、「MD用紙 クリーム」を使用し、デザインフィル流山工場で製作しています。
これらのコラボレーションアイテムは、日本ではトラベラーズファクトリー各店、エースホテル京都にて、アメリカではTRAVELER’S COMPANY USAとACEHOTEL SHOPにて、下記日程で発売します。
<日本国内> 発売日:2020年7月29日
<USA> 発売日:2020年7月29日
With spaces that capture the history and culture of the city, staff who go the extra mile and a unique style carefully curated to strike just the right balance between cultural statements and familiarity, the Ace Hotel chain has earned a place in the hearts of travelers from around the world, especially creative types with boundless curiosity. And so began collaborations between TRAVELER’S COMPANY and Ace Hotel.
TRAVELER’S COMPANY began collaborating with Ace Hotel in 2015. We have released products such as special editions of TRAVELER’S notebook stamped with the Ace Hotel logo and held caravan events at Ace Hotel in New York, downtown Los Angeles and London.
Ace Hotel planted its first roots in Asia on June 11, 2020 with the opening of Ace Hotel Kyoto in ShinPuhKan. Ace Hotel brought an exciting opportunity to open TRAVELER’S FACTORY in the same place, and working together, we were able to complete it and is now open to the travelers.
Our new range of products is a collaboration between TRAVELER’S COMPANY and the new Ace Hotel Kyoto.
TRAVELER’S notebook Camel is stamped with the Kyoto version of Ace Hotel’s logo. Designed by prominent Japanese dye artist Samiro Yunoki, the handwritten characters of the logo exude warmth. Textiles by Yunoki can be found in every guest room of Ace Hotel Kyoto, which is very consistent “east meets west” concept.
The cover of the refill is printed with Ace Hotel Kyoto’s original design based on a traditional Japanese checkered pattern. MD PAPER Cream is used to make the pages very comfortable for writing, and is also used for the letter paper and notepads in the guest rooms of Ace Hotel Kyoto. These products are produced at Designphil’s Nagareyama factory.
Other products include a Brass Pencil with a matte black body printed with the Ace Hotel Kyoto logo. Lastly, this collection includes stickers featuring artwork from Ace Hotels in the USA and other locations—and, of course, Kyoto motifs.
These collaborative products can be found at all of our TRAVELER’S FACTORY stores as well as at Ace Hotel Kyoto in Japan. They are also available in the USA at TRAVELER’S COMPNY USA and ACE HOTEL SHOP. A release schedule is included below.
<Japan> Release Date: July 29th, 2020
TRAVELER’S FACTORY Nakameguro, Tokyo Station, Kyoto
Ace Hotel Kyoto
<USA> Release Date: July 29th, 2020 Time:10:00 a.m (PST)

トラベラーズノート キャメルには、京都バージョンのロゴを刻印。温かみを感じる手描き文字のロゴは、日本を代表する染色家、柚木沙弥郎氏によるもの。
TRAVELER’S notebook Camel is stamped with the Kyoto version of Ace Hotel’s logo. Designed by prominent Japanese dye artist Samiro Yunoki, the handwritten characters of the logo exude warmth.

表紙には、日本古来の市松模様をベースにしたエースホテル京都のオリジナルデザインを表紙にプリント。中紙は筆記性を追求した「MD用紙 クリーム」のセクション罫になっています。
The cover of the refill is printed with Ace Hotel Kyoto’s original design based on a traditional Japanese checkered pattern called “Ichimatsu-moyo”. MD PAPER Cream is used to make the pages very comfortable for writing with printing the grid.

さらにマットブラックのボディに京都バージョンのAce Hotelロゴをプリント。日本の小さな工場で作られたブラスペンシルは、いつでもどこでも書くことができて、消すこともできる、旅にぴったりのペンです。
Brass Pencil with a matte black body printed with the Ace Hotel Kyoto logo. This pencil that It is made in a local factory in Japan, is suitable to carry around during one’s travels.

This is stickers featuring artwork from Ace Hotels in the USA and other locations—and, of course, Kyoto motifs. Good for customizing your notebook.
245-2 Kurumayacho Nakagyo-ku Kyoto 604-8185

*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.