Gift Bag for TRAVELER’S notebook

Available on November 11th, 2020
バッグには、2021年ダイアリーと同じ、本をテーマにしたデザインをプリント。「With books and your TRAVELER’S notebook, you can travel anywhere at any time(トラベラーズノートと本があればいつでもどこでも旅ができる)」というメッセージとともに、サマセット・モームの『月と六ペンス』、サン=テグジュペリの『夜間飛行』などの世界の旅を感じる文学作品をモチーフにデザインしました。
※こちらはトラベラーズファクトリー各店(TFAオンラインショップでは11月12日発売)、トラベラーズカンパニーUSA、および海外店舗のみでの販売になります。海外での販売店舗については下記 SHOP LIST(PDF)ご確認ください。
TRAVELER’S notebook makes a wonderful gift—your loved ones can take it with them everywhere they go, and it just has a way of capturing the user’s heart a little more each time they use it. Our special gift is not complete without this cotton gift bag.
Add refills or other extras to the regular sized TRAVELER’S notebook and pop them in the GIFT BAG for Regular Size, or use the GIFT BAG for Passport Size to hold a passport sized TRAVELER’S notebook with accessories like our brass pens.
Our GIFT BAG for Regular Size is made from thin cotton—fold it up and you can use it as an eco-bag too. Our GIFT BAG for Passport Size can be used as a drawstring bag, and also fits a regular sized TRAVELER’S notebook without the package.
Like our 2021 diaries, books are the theme of these gift bags’ design. The message “With books and your TRAVELER’S notebook, you can travel anywhere at any time” is printed on both bags, with illustrations referencing books about world travels, including Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham and Night Flight by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
These bags are great for holding that special someone’s TRAVELER’S notebook along with book they are reading, or for adding that final touch when gifting the bookworm in your life with something new to read.
* These are of limited availability. In case they are sold out or out of stock, we would appreciate your understanding.
* These items are sold at TRAVELER’S FACTORYs in Japan (released on Nov 12 at TFA Online Shop), TRAVELER’S COMPANY USA, and selected shops in other countries. Please check shops to sell as below.



トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズにブラスペンなどが入るパスポートサイズ用のギフトバッグです。トラベラーズノートがぴったり入る巾着バッグとしてお使いいただけます。
*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.