TRAVELER'S notebook

2025 DIARY

トラベラーズノート 2025ダイアリー

2025年版限定の下敷やクリアホルダー、ダイアリーのカスタマイズシールは、「LOVE AND TRIP」をテーマにデザインしました。





TRAVELER’S notebook 2025 DIARY

Available Autumn 2024 (Outside JAPAN)
Available on October 16th, 2024 (USA and Canada)

We are happy to announce our TRAVELER’S notebook 2025 DIARY lineup.
The 2025 versions of our Plastic Sheet, Clear Folder, and Customized Sticker Set feature a design themed around “LOVE AND TRIP.”

I enjoy seeing other people’s TRAVELER’S notebooks. Often, they will shyly but proudly show me their notebooks, saying, “This one is like an alter ego of mine.” The texture of the leather cover, the charms on the elastic, the thickness, the cover of the refills, and the way of using the notebook are all different from person to person, even though they are the same notebook. However, what many TRAVELER’S notebooks have in common is that they are filled with the user’s favorite things and happy memories; a lot of love has been poured into them. So just by looking at the notebooks, I feel as if I can understand a little bit about the personality of the owner.

Albert Einstein said, “Nothing truly valuable arises from ambition or from a mere sense of duty; it stems rather from love and devotion towards men and towards objective things.” TRAVELER’S notebooks, which are filled with the deep love of the user and always used with care, shine like treasures. By showing such notebooks to each other, people who have met each other for the first time on a trip can talk and understand each other, transcending gender, age, and nationality. It may sound like a dream, but I fantasize that if more people traveled, talked about their favorite things with the people they met, and created warm and intimate connections with love all over the world then the world would be a more enjoyable and peaceful place than it is today.

We hope you have a nice trip with your TRAVELER’S notebook filled with your love!

* These are of limited availability. In case they are sold out or out of stock, we would appreciate your understanding.

2025年限定のクリアホルダーはLOVE AND TRIPをテーマにデザイン

レギュラーサイズであれば、三つ折りにしたA4の書類やチケット、ポストカードなど、パスポートサイズであれば、名刺やチケットなどをざっくり入れて、トラベラーズノートと一緒に持ち歩くことができます。2025年限定のグラフィックは、LOVE AND TRIPをテーマにデザイン。印刷とあわせてメッセージなどを金箔で表現しました。

The design for our Clear Folder limited edition 2025 is “LOVE AND TRIP”.

This folder features a design exclusively for 2025 and comes in two sizes perfect for taking along with your TRAVELER’S notebook. The Regular size fits A4 paper folded in three, postcards and other documents, while the Passport size can store smaller papers, like business cards and tickets. We designed the 2025 limited edition with the theme of LOVE AND TRIP.

2025年ダイアリーをLOVE AND TRIPでカスタマイズ

インデックスやポケット、予定をあらわすアイコンにインレタ、表紙を彩るシールなど、トラベラーズノートのダイアリーをもっと楽しくカスタマイズするためのシールセット。2025年版はLOVE AND TRIPをテーマにデザインしました。2025年も愛が詰まったトラベラーズノートとともに良い旅を。

Customize your daily life with TRAVELER’S notebook filled with love!

This is a sticker set for customizing your TRAVELER’S notebook that makes it more fun, including index and pocket stickers, icon stickers to represent different plans, dry transfer, and stickers to decorate the cover. The 2025 version features a design that is inspired by the LOVE AND TRIP. You can customize the cover of your 2025 dairy with love and trip. We hope you have a nice trip with your TRAVELER’S notebook filled with your love!

2025年限定の下敷は、LOVE AND TRIPをテーマにデザイン

立ったまま書いたり、しおりにして瞬時にそのページを開いたり、直線を引いたり、旅先でのさまざまなシーンで便利な下敷。2025年版のテーマは、LOVE AND TRIP。ラブソングや花、ハトなど愛と平和を感じるモチーフをデザインしています。

The design for our Plastic Sheet limited edition 2025 is LOVE AND TRIP.

This is a useful mat to achieve goals in various scenarios, including writing while standing, as a bookmark to instantly open to a certain page, and draw straight lines. The theme of the 2025 edition is LOVE AND TRIP, featuring love songs, flowers, pigeons, and other motifs that remind us of love and peace.



Guide 2025

In the 2025 Diary, there is a Guide and a customized sticker included.

Available Autumn 2024 (Outside JAPAN)
Available on October 16th, 2024 (USA and Canada)

CLEAR FOLDER / クリアホルダー

The Regular Size fits A4 paper folded in three, postcards and other documents, while the Passport Size can store smaller papers, like business cards and tickets. Both sizes are perfect for taking along with your TRAVELER’S notebook.
Clear Folder 2025 (Regular Size) /
クリアホルダー 2025(レギュラーサイズ)

Clear Folder 2025 (Passport Size) /
クリアホルダー 2025(パスポートサイズ)


インデックスやスケジュール、透明丸シール、ポケットシールインレタに加え、LOVE AND TRIPをテーマにデザインしたシールをセットした、2025年ダイアリー用のカスタマイズシールです。
In addition to index and schedule stickers, transparent round stickers, dry transfer, and pocket stickers, the “Customized Stickers” for Diary 2025 set contains stickers designed a LOVE AND TRIP theme.
Customized Sticker Set for Diary 2025 / カスタマイズシール 2025 ダイアリー用


立ったままでも書きやすくなり、しおりや定規としても使える、何かと便利な下敷です。表は、LOVE AND TRIPをテーマにデザイン、裏は罫線下敷としても使える便利な方眼罫になっています。2025年限定デザインです。
This convenient Plastic Sheet will let you write standing up or use it as a bookmark. The front features a design based on the LOVE AND TRIP motifs, while the back is a grid ruled for use when drawing straight lines. This design is limited to 2025.
Plastic Sheet 2025 (Regular Size) /
下敷 2025(レギュラーサイズ)

Plastic Sheet 2025 (Passport Size) /
下敷 2025(パスポートサイズ)

DIARY REFILLS / ダイアリー リフィル

2025 Monthly (Regular Size) /

2025 Weekly + Memo (Regular Size) /

2025 Weekly Vertical (Regular Size) /

2025 Monthly (Passport Size) /

2025 Weekly (Passport Size) /

※「TRAVELER’S COMPANY」および「トラベラーズノート」は株式会社デザインフィルの登録商標です。
*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.