TRAVELER’S notebook New Line Up 2023
トラベラーズノートの新しい定番ラインアップ 2023

トラベラーズノートの新しい定番ラインアップ 2023
また、オリーブに加え、2021年に「B-Sides & Rarities」として発売した限定リフィルのシール台紙とジャバラも定番として復活します。こちらもまた多くの方からのリクエストを受け、最初B面としてリリースされたものが、A面となって再リリースされるという形になりました。
TRAVELER’S notebook New Line Up 2023
TRAVELER’S notebook Olive will release in its standard lineup.
We released TRAVELER’S notebook Olive as a limited edition in 2017. It was well received by many people as a color that evokes a trip to the outdoors. After sales ended, we received many requests to reintroduce Olive and were frustrated to see it being sold at high prices at online auctions, etc. Therefore, we prepared to make Olive a standard color. The pandemic interrupted, and people around the world were hesitant to travel. It became difficult to expand the standard lineup of TRAVELER’S notebook that encourage traveling. In 2023, when more and more people are traveling again, we decided to make Olive a standard item, which has been a long-held dream of ours.
The new TRAVELER’S notebook Olive, like the 2017 edition, is inspired by the color of a virgin primeval forest with roots that stretch back to prehistoric times. The color and texture of the leather have been readjusted anew. In making Olive our standard lineup, Passport Size and Pen Holder will also be launched in addition to Regular Size. Alongside this release, Repair Kit will be available in two new colors: Standard Colors with five colors of elastic bands (black, brown, camel, blue, and olive) originally attached to the main body, and Spare Colors with five colors (red, orange, green, mustard, and blue-gray) attached as a spare.
In addition to Olive, the limited edition refills of Sticker Release Paper and Accordion Fold Paper from “B-Sides & Rarities” which sold in 2021 will also return as part of the standard lineup. These refills also have been requested by many, and what was originally released as B-Sides has now been re-released as A-Sides. We hope you continue to love these items.
*Sales timing varies from shop to shop. Please check with the shop before visiting to purchase.
TRAVELER’S notebook Olive / トラベラーズノート オリーブ

Pen Holder Olive / ペンホルダー <M> オリーブ

Accompanying the launch of TRAVELER’S notebook Olive, Pen Holder <M> Olive will be released.
Repair Kit / リペアキット

Sticker Release Paper / シール台紙

Accordion Fold Paper / ジャバラ

トラベラーズノート リペアキット(8色)(No.14393006)>
TRAVELER’S notebook Repair Kit(8 colors)(No.14393006)>
トラベラーズノート 両面シール(No.14303006)>
TRAVELER’S notebook Double Sided Stickers(No.14303006)>
トラベラーズノート 付せん紙(No. 14347006)>
TRAVELER’S notebook Sticky Notes(No. 14347006)>
トラベラーズノート フィルムポケットシール(No.14348006)>
TRAVELER’S notebook Film Pocket Sticker(No.14348006)>
*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.