SPIRAL RING NOTEBOOKs consist of a durable resin-containing cover, a range of different paper types: white paper for comfortable writing, roughly textured Kraft paper, paper pockets, window envelopes, watercolor paper and file. The rings are attached to the notebook one by one by hand with great care in Japan.
Write down your thoughts, draw pictures that come to mind or paste paper items that you have found when traveling.
Write down your thoughts, draw pictures that come to mind or paste paper items that you have found when traveling.

東京から40キロほど離れた静かな街に、デザインフィル流山工場があります。ここでは50年以上に渡り、ノートや便箋などの紙製品が作られてきました。もちろん、スパイラルリングノートもMADE IN NAGAREYAMA FACTORYです。リングを使ってノートを綴じていく作業は、1冊ずつ人の手で行なっています。さらに、断裁、穴あけ、刻印なども流山工場の熟練のスタッフの手を経てスパイラルリングノートが完成します。
Designphil’s Nagareyama Factory is located in a quiet neighborhood that is 40 km away from downtown Tokyo. This factory has been making notebooks for over fifty years, and it’s worth mentioning that SPIRAL RING NOTEBOOK is made in this factory.
After the process of cutting, holing and stamping, SPIRAL RING NOTEBOOK is bound by a limited number of experienced craftsmen for completion.
After the process of cutting, holing and stamping, SPIRAL RING NOTEBOOK is bound by a limited number of experienced craftsmen for completion.
TRC SPIRAL RING NOTEBOOK Blank DW Kraft Paper / TRC スパイラルリングノート 無罫 DW クラフト
This is a notebook consisting of kraft papers. The kraft papers have a rough texture, and this resembles a desert where the camels walk. We chose a kraft paper that suits for writing, so please feel free to write as much as you want on this notebook.

TRC SPIRAL RING NOTEBOOK Blank MD Paper White / TRC スパイラルリングノート 無罫 MDホワイト
This is a notebook with as many as 200 pages of white MD Paper, our original paper with the perfect comfortability in writing with a pencil as well as a fountain pen. Carry this notebook and write on it anything coming up to your mind.

TRC SPIRAL RING NOTEBOOK Paper Pocket / TRC スパイラルリングノート ペーパーポケット
Every page has a pocket where you can put such travel memories as tickets and maps etc. As the pages are made of our original MD Paper, you will have the best feeling when writing.

TRC SPIRAL RING NOTEBOOK Window Envelope / TRC スパイラルリングノート 窓付封筒
This is a notebook like an album of which all the pages are window envelopes to insert postcards, photos and tickets. Writing a comment on the reverse is also a good way to use.

TRC SPIRAL RING NOTEBOOK Watercolor Paper / TRC スパイラルリングノート 水彩紙
This is a notebook with watercolor paper on which the colors come out well. Not only painting with watercolor but also drawing with a pencil or a pen is recommendable as well as collage of photos and tickets. Draw or paint the moving scenery.

TRC SPIRAL RING NOTEBOOK Card And Photo File / TRC スパイラルリングノート カード・フォトファイル
All the pages have a transparent sheet attached to a Kraft paper mount. The A5 Slim size can hold not only business and store cards but also 72 prints of “instax mini” photos etc. The B6 size can hold up to 24 postcards and photos. You can use it as a notebook by writing the date in the margin of the Kraft paper mount, or writing a comment on the transparent sheet with an oil-based marker.