TRAVELER’S notebook Limited Set 2022
トラベラーズノート 限定セット 2022

トラベラーズノート 限定セット 2022
自由に安心して世界中を旅するまでにはもう少し時間が必要そうです。だけど、ノートと想像力があれば、いつでもどこでも旅をすることができます。限定デザインのトラベラーズノートとともに妄想の旅をお楽しみください。妄想していれば、いつかそれが実現するかもしれません。Keep on traveling in your mind with TRAVELER’S notebook!
TRAVELER’S notebook Limited Set 2022
The world of TRAVELER’S notebook began with an imagination.
Just as a small child, when given a piece of paper and a pen, starts to draw the world that comes into his or her mind, TRAVELER’S notebook awakens memories that have been dormant in the depths of our mind. It stimulates our imagination, and leads us to fantasy worlds. When we imagined that it would be fun to have a TRAVELER’S newspaper, TRAVELER’S TIMES was born. When we dreamed of a TRAVELER’S base, TRAVELER’S FACTORY was created.
Since it is a fantasy, after all, we put off the question of whether it is realistic or not. It is fun to simply let our imagination run free as if we were traveling with our curiosity. For example, what kind of world would open up if there were TRAVELER’S HOTEL, TRAVELER’S AIRLINES, TRAVELER’STRAIN, and TRAVELER’S RECORDS? We’ve been dreaming about such things for a long time.
Here comes a limited set of TRAVELER’S notebooks and customized items, inspired by the imaginary hotel, airline, train, and record label dreamed up by TRAVELER’S COMPANY. Each set includes TRAVELER’S notebook foil-stamped with logos, original designed refills, and customization items such as charms and stickers. It may take a little more time before you can travel around the world freely and with peace of mind. But with TRAVELER’S notebook and your imagination, you can travel anywhere at any time. Enjoy the journey of your imagination with the limited design of TRAVELER’S notebook. If you keep imagining, one day it may come true. Keep on traveling in your mind with TRAVELER’S notebook!
*Since these items are all limited, please be noted that it may be sold out in some retail shops.
*The date of release will vary depending on the retail shop. Prior to purchasing, please contact the nearest retail shop.

When you arrive at the hotel, you will be welcomed with a cup of coffee and its aroma. A skilled concierge plays the piano in the lobby. If you have a request, please let him know. There is no song he can’t play. Even your whimsical humming will be accompanied by a beautiful melody.
In addition to the bed, there is only a vintage desk and a leather sofa in your room, but they have been carefully crafted by old-time artisans and should be comfortable to use. There is a leather notebook and pencil on the desk for you to use at your leisure. There is no TV, no internet, and no cell phone connection here. We recommend that you take your time to reflect. Write down in your notebook the words and images you have scooped up from the darkness in the depths of your consciousness.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.


The interesting thing about this plane is that the passengers are not told where they are going. In other words, you don’t know where you are going until you arrive. There are capitals of developed countries that everyone knows, small towns that you have never heard of, southern islands, desert areas, and icy cities ……. You will circle the globe several times, land at several airports, and then return to your starting point. We don’t know how long it will take, but by the end of the trip, you will have a notebook full of happy memories, ideas inspired by your travels, and your true words found along the way.

トラベラーズノート 限定セット エアライン(No.15278006) 8,800円(税込)>
TRAVELER’S notebook Limited Set Airline(No.15278006)>

The scenery from the train window seems to be the same every day, or a completely different place from yesterday. Sometimes it seems that the train leaves the tracks and runs across the ocean or through the galaxy.
Ladies and gentlemen, please come aboard. TRAVELER’S TRAIN will be departing soon. The destination is a future that no one knows. If it’s a future you want, write it down on your stamped ticket. We can’t guarantee it, but maybe one day you’ll get there.


TRAVELER’S RECORDS is an independent record label that travels around the world like a caravan, conveying the beauty of such music. Anyone can release an album by drawing a cover and writing a title. However, because we believe that the soul of the musician and the feelings of the listener reside in physical analog objects, instead of digital distribution, we only release records and cassette tapes. The more you listen to the records and cassette tapes, the more they create scratch noises and age into lo-fi sounds. The more you listen to them, the more they mark the history that has accompanied you, and become customized into a unique and original sound, just like a leather notebook. Add some music of TRAVELER’S RECORDS to your days.

*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.