B-Sides & Rarities

トラベラーズノート B-Sides & Rarities
そんなB面の曲を中心に収録したアルバム「B-Sides & Rarities」は、長く活動するミュージシャンにとって定番タイトルのひとつになっています。
15年の間には、製品化に至らなかったリフィルのアイデアや試作もたくさんありました。用途がノート本来の使い方ではなかったり、限定的だったりすることで、定番リフィルのラインアップに加えるのを躊躇していたのです。だけど、それらを集めてみると、トラベラーズノートの使い方を広げてくれそうでワクワクしてくることにも気づきました。ミュージシャンが「B-Sides & Rarities」をリリースするように、これらのちょっと変わったリフィルたちを紹介したいと思います。この中からいずれA面を凌駕するようなヒットリフィルが生まれたら嬉しいです。
TRAVELER’S notebook B-Sides & Rarities
Available April 15th, 2021 (USA and Canada)
Back in the days of vinyl records, artists used to release their hit singles on 7-inch 45 rpm records. These caused a boom in the pop music scene as they made music more accessible to the average person.
Vinyl singles had an A-side and a B-side. The A-side was for the song the artist was hoping would be a hit, and artists poured all of their efforts into this song. B-sides were often considered bonus tracks, and musicians were less concerned about their commercial prospects. This did not mean no effort was made; rather, musicians saw these tracks as an opportunity for more artistic freedom. Sometimes they would experiment with new styles of music; other times they would cover songs they liked. There were times when this paid off so well that the B-side became more of a hit than the A-side, or developed a cult following. It is now common for long-running musicians to release albums of “B-Sides & Rarities”.
It has now been 15 years since TRAVELER’S notebook was first released. In those 15 years, we have explored all kinds of new styles we ultimately chose not to adopt as permanent products. Sometimes this was because they diverged from the general purpose of a notebook, and sometimes it was because they had only limited uses. But when we put them all together, we have an exciting compilation of new ways to enjoy your TRAVELER’S notebook. So just as musicians release albums of their B-sides and rarities, we’ve re-released a range of refills that are a little out of the ordinary. Maybe some of them will be B-sides that become a bigger hit than the A-side.
*Since these items are all limited, please be noted that it may be sold out in some retail shops.
*The date of release will vary depending on the retail shop. Prior to purchasing, please contact the nearest retail shop.
Washable Paper / 耐洗紙
The paper won’t disintegrate if it gets wet in the rain or is washed with the laundry

This paper is made from the same material as the laundry paper tag. This paper does not disintegrate when washed, so you can use it for outdoor purposes where rain is a concern, near plants that are watered in gardens or on farms, or in areas such as the kitchen or bathroom. And you never have to worry about what will happen if you accidentally leave it in your pocket when doing the laundry!
トラベラーズノート(レギュラーサイズ)リフィル 耐洗紙 (No. 14428006) 660円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook (Regular Size) Refill Washable Paper (No. 14428006)
トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズ リフィル 耐洗紙 (No. 14436006) 550円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook Passport Size Refill Washable Paper (No. 14436006)
Sticker Release Paper / シール台紙
Make a collection of your favorite stickers

This refill is made from the smooth backing paper that is left after removing a sticker. Put stickers or masking tape on this paper and you can remove it easily at any time. If you’ve got a big collection of stickers, this is a great way to keep your favorites on hand. And if you get stickers while traveling, this is a place to store them.
トラベラーズノート(レギュラーサイズ)リフィル シール台紙 (No. 14429006) 550円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook (Regular Size) Refill Sticker Release Paper (No. 14429006)
トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズ リフィル シール台紙 (No. 14437006) 440円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook Passport Size Refill Sticker Release Paper (No. 14437006)
Accordion Fold Paper / ジャバラ
The paper unfolds like a map

This refill is arranged in an accordion-style fold. The paper itself is the thick kind used for watercolor painting, making it perfect for getting creative. Draw, make a collage, arrange photos, tickets or labels or use the folded-out paper to write your travel itinerary, plans for the year or ideas.
トラベラーズノート(レギュラーサイズ)リフィル ジャバラ (No. 14430006) 484円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook (Regular Size) Refill Accordion Fold Paper (No. 14430006)
トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズ リフィル ジャバラ (No. 14438006) 374円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook Passport Size Refill Accordion Fold Paper (No. 14438006)
Super Lightweight Paper / 超軽量紙
Fascinatingly thin, light paper

The paper in this notebook is even thinner and lighter than our Lightweight Paper refill. The paper itself does not allow for oil to penetrate easily, so it is hard to smear when using a fountain pen. The letters on the back of the page will show through a little because the paper is so thin, which adds a unique look to the enticingly crisp paper.
トラベラーズノート(レギュラーサイズ)リフィル 超軽量紙 (No. 14431006) 550円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook (Regular Size) Refill Super Lightweight Paper (No. 14431006)
トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズ リフィル 超軽量紙 (No. 14439006) 440円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook Passport Size Refill Super Lightweight Paper (No. 14439006)
Message Card / メッセージカード
A great way to express kind wishes or gratitude whether you’re traveling or at home

All the pages in this refill are tear-out message cards. Letterpress printing is used to print traveling icons with messages like “Have a nice trip!” on the front and a frame on the back. Keep these in your TRAVELER’S notebook and give them to people to express gratitude or kind wishes.
トラベラーズノート(レギュラーサイズ)リフィル メッセージカード (No. 14432006) 660円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook (Regular Size) Refill Message Card (No. 14432006)
トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズ リフィル メッセージカード (No. 14440006) 550円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook Passport Size Refill Message Card (No. 14440006))
Letter Pad / レターパッド
Makes it easy to keep letter paper with you wherever you go

Letter Pad in the same size as TRAVELER’S notebook uses MD PAPER Cotton containing soft-textured cotton pulp to achieve the best possible comfort when writing. Pop it in your notebook or place it in our Kraft File so you can write a letter whenever the mood takes you, whether you’re on vacation or just sitting in a café or park in your neighborhood.
トラベラーズノート(レギュラーサイズ)リフィル レターパッド (No. 14433006) 550円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook (Regular Size) Refill Letter Pad (No. 14433006)
トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズ リフィル レターパッド (No. 14441006) 440円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook Passport Size Refill Letter Pad (No. 14441006)
Cotton Zipper Case / コットンジッパーケース
A great way to keep cards, tickets, pens or cash with your notebook

Get even more out of your TRAVELER’S notebook—place this cotton zipper case in your notebook and use it as a safe place for tickets or cards, a case for stationery or as a wallet. This case is carefully made by craftspeople in the suburbs of Tokyo from locally produced, paraffin-waxed fabric. The texture changes with use, taking on more and more character.
トラベラーズノート(レギュラーサイズ)コットンジッパーケース オリーブ (No. 14434006) 3,080円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook (Regular Size) Cotton Zipper Case Olive(No. 14434006)
トラベラーズノート(レギュラーサイズ)コットンジッパーケース オレンジ (No. 14435006) 3,080円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook (Regular Size) Cotton Zipper Case Orange(No. 14435006)
トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズ コットンジッパーケース ブルー(No. 14442006) 2,420円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook Passport Size Cotton Zipper Case Blue(No. 14442006)
トラベラーズノート パスポートサイズ コットンジッパーケース マスタード(No. 14443006) 2,420円(税込)
TRAVELER’S notebook Passport Size Cotton Zipper Case Mustard(No. 14443006)
*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.