(Seoul, South Korea)

「私達の人生は、時間を旅するようなことだと思っています。この世に生を受け、幼少期を送り、学校に通い、仕事に行き、家族と旅行を楽しんだり、友達とおいしい物を食べに行ったり……。全ての生活はこの時間の旅の途上で成り立っています。そして、そのかけがえのない思い出を記録に残すことほど人生において大切な瞬間はないと考えています。 そんな記録を残す相棒であり道具である文具と出会える空間。 THE T.I.MEはいつもそんな空間でありたいと思っています」
「トラベラーズノートに初めて出会ったのは、2008年、東京へ出張した時に偶然立ち寄った書店でトラベラーズノートを買ったことがきっかけです。 革製品が好きで目に入ったのもありますが、何故かトラベラーズノートのもつ自由さが凄く気に入りました。 革カバーの傷も自分の人生の一部になり、カバンの中に入れたり手で持ち歩いたり、いつでも使いたい時に使うことができる。 それまで私が使ってきたノートは、決められた様式に合わせて使わなければならなかったのですが、トラベラーズノートは私の使いたいように使えるという点が他のノートと違っていて、それが一番の魅力だと感じました」
“Our lives are with the journey of life. I was born there, spent my childhood, went to school, worked, traveled with my family, went out to eat delicious food with my friends…
In other words, all daily life consists of traveling at time.
I don’t think there’s any more important moment in our lives than keeping records of our precious memories during traveling at time. So, it is a space where stationery can be used as friends or tools to keep such valuable records. I want THE T.I.ME to be this kind of space .
He also told us about his encounter with TRAVELER’S notebook.
“The first time I met TRAVELER’S notebook was when I bought it at a bookstore I happened to stop by on a business trip to Tokyo in 2008. I liked leather products, so it caught my eye, but somehow I liked the freedom of Traveler’s notebook. The scratches on the leather cover become part of my life, and I can take them out and use them whenever I want while carrying them with my bag or by hand. The notebooks I had used until then had to follow a certain style, but TRAVELER’S Notebook is different from other notebooks in that I can use it the way I want to use it, which I found to be the most attractive thing about TRAVELER’S notebook.”
#103 1F, Namsan Platinum Ssangyong APT Commercial Centre, 46 Sogong-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea 04631

Collect TRC PARTNER SHOPS Original Stamps!
Original stamps exclusive to our Partner Shops are available. We hope you will stamp your TRAVELER’S notebook as a proof of your trip to our Partner Shops.

Gyeongbokgung, a representative building of the Joseon Dynasty, is located near the store. The design is based on the motif of the guardian dogs (haetae) that guard the gate.
Recommended Travel Spot From The Shop Owner

Namsan Seoultower, 105 Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea


161. Sajik-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
*”TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.