(Vancouver, Canada)

Paper-Yaは、1986年に2人のアーティストによって立ち上げられました。以来、紙とステーショナリーのさまざまな楽しみ方を提案し続けています。「Ya」は日本語の「屋」からきています。店を意味し、さらにポジティブな響きも気に入って、店名をPaper-Ya としたそうです。


Since created in 1986 by two artists, The Original Paper-Ya helped pioneer the celebration of paper and stationery in all its amazing forms. “Ya” means store in Japanese and we like the positive sounding vibe of that, thus… Paper-Ya!

As our world changes, we continue to celebrate the new, the fresh, and the creative, and not just in paper. People come to our store from all over the world. We are very fortunate to be on Granville Island at the heart of our beautiful city, Vancouver. We thank all our wonderful customers for giving us all these wonderful years at Paper-Ya!

As we all know life is short and fleeting, so we say: “walk on the bright side, whenever you can!”


9-1666 Johnston Street, Vancouver, BC, V6H 3S2 Canada

Collect TRC PARTNER SHOPS Original Stamps!


Original stamps exclusive to our Partner Shops are available. We hope you will stamp your TRAVELER’S notebook as a proof of your trip to our Partner Shops.


The stamp design is based on the gate of Granville Island, a popular spot in the heart of Vancouver. The store is located here.

Recommended Travel Spot From The Shop Owner

The Soap Dispensary and Kitchen Staples
The Soap Dispensary and Kitchen Staplesは、バンクーバーの中心部、ユニークな個人経営のお店がたくさんあるメインストリートにあります。お客さんは、空の容器をお店に持ってくると、シャンプー、石鹸、パーソナルケア製品、家庭用洗剤などを測り売りで購入することができます。こちらではたくさんの種類のガラス製の容器も販売しています。大量販売やプラスチック汚染の削減に取り組み、無駄を排したサステナブルな社会を作ることに積極的に貢献しているお店です。
The Soap Dispensary and Kitchen Staples is located in the heart of Vancouver, Main Street where you find many unique and independent shops. Customers bring their own clean, empty containers to the store, and have them refilled with shampoo, soap, personal care products, household cleaners and DIY ingredients. The store sells variety of glass containers, and their initiative on bulk-sales and reducing plastic pollution contribute to the store’s zero-waste mission and sustainability.
The Soap Dispensary and Kitchen Staples
3718 Main Street, Vancouver, BC, V5V 3N7

Welk’s General Store
Welk’s is located in the mix of residential area and the strip of funky shops, and you will find something for everybody in this fun general store. Kitchen goods, personal care and skincare products, interior décor items, and food products to browse and enjoy, and they have a big gardening section in the summer.
Welk’s General Store
3511 Main St, Vancouver, BC V5V 3N3

Vancouver Pen Shop
賑やかなバンクーバーのダウンタウンにあるVancouver Pen Shopは、筆記具とインクの専門店です。世界中から集められた素晴らしいペンのコレクションに加え、ペンに関する知識が豊富でフレンドリーなスタッフが様々な質問に答えてくれるのも魅力です。
Located in busy downtown Vancouver, Vancouver Pen Shop specializes in writing instruments and inks. They have an amazing selection of pens from all over the world, and the friendly staff are always helpful to answer all sorts of questions about pens and inks.
Vancouver Pen Shop
512 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 1L8

Caffé Cittadella
普通の住宅のような外観のCaffé Cittadellaは、コーヒーを飲みながら静かな時間を過ごすことができる究極の魅力的な場所です。暖炉や中庭などがある魅力的な空間は、まるで誰かの家に遊びに来たような居心地の良さを感じさせてくれます。またここでは、飲み物だけでなく、焼き菓子やサンドイッチなどもおすすめ。たくさんの地元の人々が、ここでお気に入りの本を読んだり、日記を書いたり、友人と語り合ったりして、ゆったりとした居心地のよい時間を過ごしています。
Looking like a residential house from outside, Caffé Cittadella is the ultimate charming place to have some quiet time over a cup of coffee. This heritage building was preserved and turned into a two-story café, and charming interior including the fireplace and patio gives a cozy feeling of visiting somebody’s home. The café serves drinks as well as baked goods and delicious sandwiches, and the locals spend relaxing, cozy afternoon at this café with their favorite book, writing journals or catching up with friends.
Caffé Cittadella
2310 Ash Street, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 3C2

Raga Restaurant
バンクーバーの西側、フェアービュー地区にあるRaga Restaurantは、本格的なインド料理を楽しめるお店です。シックで落ち着いた店内でいただける、様々な種類のカレー、パン、ドリンク、デザートはどれも本格派。特に石窯で作るナンとスパイスたっぷりのチャイ、濃厚なバターチキン、そしてホウレン草カレーは絶品です。オーナーのRajさんとRickyさんによる、いつもフレンドリーで温かい接客も魅力です。
Raga Restaurant on West side of Vancouver in Fairview neighborhood serves authentic Indian cuisine. Their chic and elegant restaurant is filled with good vibes, and variety of curries, breads, drinks and dessert are served. The owners Raj and Ricky always welcome the guests with impeccable, friendly service and their butter chicken, garlic naan and spinach curry are simply outstanding!
Raga Restaurant
1177 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, V6H 1G3

A Bread Affair
A Bread Affairは、カナダ西部で唯一のオーガニック認証を受けたベーカリー。地元の食材や自家製小麦を使って、毎日手作りのパンを焼いています。フランスパンやサワードウなどのハードブレッドが主なラインアップですが、季節限定のスコーンやクッキーもおすすめです。クッキー、スコーン、サンドウィッチ、アイスクリーム・サンドウィッチなど、どれも絶品なのでぜひ試してみてください。
A Bread Affair is the only Certified Organic bakery in Western Canada, and their baked goods are handmade fresh daily, using local produce and their own wheat. French bread and variety of sourdough loaves are their main products, but the seasonal scones as well as toffee cookies are a must try. All of their cookies, scones, sandwiches and ice cream sandwiches are to die for, too!
A Bread Affair
1680 Johnston Street, Granville Island, Vancouver, BC, V6H 3S2

※「TRAVELER’S COMPANY」および「トラベラーズノート」は株式会社デザインフィルの登録商標です。
*”TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.