Omoi Life Goods
(Philadelphia, USA)

Omoi Life Goodsは、世界中から集められた素敵な文房具や雑貨に出会うことができるお店です。年齢や職業を問わず幅広いお客様が訪れ、お気に入りのアイテムを見つけています。
彼らの大事にしていることは、ユニセックスで楽しく実用的であること。考え抜かれたデザインと心温まるユーモアのセンスを感じる日常使いのアイテムをセレクトしています。店名のOmoi Life Goodsには「思慮に富んだ日常の道具」という思いがこめられています。

Omoi Life Goodsの原点となったのは、オーナーのリズさんが日本に留学のため関西で暮らした時の経験でした。その際に訪れた日本のデパートやセレクトショップのサービスや品ぞろえ、BGMなど細部にまでこだわった完璧な姿に感銘を受けました。それをひとつの指針としてお店を運営しているそうです。

Omoi Life Goodsでは、クリエイティブな毎日を送るための道具として、トラベラーズカンパニーの商品をおすすめしています。トラベラーズノートのユーザーでもあるスタッフは、お客様の好みにあわせてリフィルやカスタマイズアイテムを選ぶお手伝いをしています。また定期的にトラベラーズカンパニーミートアップというイベントを開催しています。トラベラーズノートユーザーが集まり、それぞれのノートの紙面を見せながらお話しをしたり、新商品情報を共有したりしています。地元の人も旅行者もそこに参加することで、特別な雰囲気が生まれています。

Omoi Life Goods is a place where many encounter their favorite stationery and lifestyle items from around the world. Their assortment is meant for all, going beyond age or occupation.

Omoi’s style is unisex, fun, and practical. The products they select are everyday items with considerate design and a mindful sense of humor. Their name means thoughtful, useful life goods.

The foundational elements of Omoi Life Goods stem from formative study abroad trips in Japan’s Kansai region by the owner, Ms. Liz Sieber. She wants to make a deliberate nod to the impeccable department stores and compelling neighborhood select shops that value good service, good selection, and good background music.

TRAVELER’S COMPANY has become the recommended creative life organizer in Omoi Life Goods. The staff is specially trained to assist customers in customizing the Traveler’s Notebook with the thoroughly considered range of notebook inserts and accessory items to suit their needs. Each season, Omoi hosts Traveler’s Company meetups for fans to share their journals, shop for the latest Traveler’s Company releases, and enjoy a unique atmosphere where the lives of locals and travelers blend comfortably.


Omoi Life Goods | Old City
41 S 3rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Omoi Life Goods | Rittenhouse

Omoi Life Goods | Old City

Collect TRC PARTNER SHOPS Original Stamps!


Original stamps exclusive to our Partner Shops are available. We hope you will stamp your TRAVELER’S notebook as a proof of your trip to our Partner Shops.


For Philadelphians, freshly baked pretzels and Water Ice have been a familiar snack since childhood. Try them when you visit.

Recommended Travel Spot From The Shop Owner

Our Philadelphia Map(オリジナル フィラデルフィアマップ)
ニューハンプシャーの印刷工房Brainstorm Printsとのコラボレーションでフィラデルフィアの地図を作りました。フィラデルフィアを象徴するレンガ色を基調に、3色のシルク印刷を施したポスターになっています。地図には、フィラデルフィアのダウンタウンとその周辺が描かれていますが、フィラデルフィアのランドマークや有名な場所に加えて、普通の地図には載っていない私たちのお気に入りのスポットも詰め込みました。フィラデルフィアに来たら、まずは私のお店に来て、こちらの地図を見ながら旅のプランを立てるのがおすすめ!
Printed in a classic Philly brick red, we recently collaborated with New Hampshire-based Brainstorm Prints to create a 3-color screenprint poster featuring downtown Philadelphia and its surrounding neighborhoods. It depicts our favorite spots and landmarks, plus iconic Philly stuff tucked in between that we never really see on other maps. On top of this list below, we recommend stopping in to either location to see our map for other travel ideas while you’re here!

Rival Bros.(カフェ)
このカフェの特徴である薄暗くて広い空間がお気に入り。Omoi Life Goodsの角を曲がればすぐに見つけられます。心地よい音楽と適度な賑わいが落ち着いて一人で考え事をするのにぴったり。ちょっと書き物をしたりするのによく使っているお気に入りの場所です。それからここのコーヒー、とても美味しいんです。
I love this big, dark room of a cafe. Located around the corner from our original Omoi Life Goods location, it has just the right amount of music and chatter and noise that actually makes it easier to think inside my own head. It’s a nice place to write for a bit, and the coffee is delicious.
Rival Bros.
1528 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Mon ~ Fri 6:00 am – 7:00 pm; Sat & Sun 7:00 am – 7:00 pm

Oscar’s Tavern(バー)
Nestled amidst an ever-shifting array of more contemporary bars and restaurants, Oscar’s is the sort of place that hasn’t needed to change much since it opened in 1972. It’s a bit like an extension of your own living room in that patrons both young and old are comfortable to sit back, have a beer, listen to some music, and nobody minds if your group gets a little raucous every once in a while. A favorite dive bar to many, they offer tall draught beers and classic Philly bar food.
Oscar’s Tavern
1524 Sansom St, Philadelphia PA 19102
Mon ~ Sat 11:30 am – 2:00 am; Sun 5:00 pm – 2:00 am

Schuylkill Banks(遊歩道)
Philadelphia has a long history as an industrial city, and has been working on transitioning our river views into public spaces. Schulykill Banks is a relatively recent pedestrian pathway that stretches alongside the Schulykill River and has many connecting walkways from various bridges and streets throughout the city. It’s a wonderful place to relax, people watch, and picnic. Walkers, joggers, cyclists and sunbathers are welcome (there’s even a skatepark along the path), though my favorite spot is by the Spruce street bridge overlooking the floofs running in the dog park.

Philly Pretzel Factory(プレッツェルのお店)
Pennsylvanians supposedly consume more pretzels than any state in the US, with an even higher concentration in Philadelphia. Many children grew up eating a slightly soggy room-temperatue pretzel for recess, and it’s reported that during the Great Depression of the 1920s many survived thanks to these inexpensive, protein-rich soft pretzels. While the days of roadside pretzel sellers are largely gone, our local Philly Pretzel Factory chain has ample locations throughout the metropolitan area. Stop in to any location and you can enjoy a freshly made, often still-warm soft pretzel. It’s so good! This cute kiosk location is at the corner of 8th and Chestnut.
Philly Pretzel Factory

Reading Terminal Market(市場)
Philadelphia still operates several historical and outdoor markets around the city, and Reading Terminal served as a central marketplace and railroad terminal until the late 1800’s. Fresh produce, meat, fish, herbs & spices, and cuisine from all around the world make this centrally located market a must-visit for hungry visitors. Stop over to the Down Home Diner for a damn fine cup of coffee before heading into the market proper.
Reading Terminal Market
51 N 12th St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Mon ~ Sat 8:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Menagerie Coffee(カフェ)
Located in Old City just down the street from our SELECT SHOP 215 location, Menagerie is our online manager’s favorite place to get coffee before work. It has a relaxed yet studious atmosphere and is often quietly bustling with young working professionals and journaling visitors. Like many of Philadelphia’s great independent cafes, the knowledgable staff and owner at Menagerie serve up an excellent menu of pastries, sandwiches, and coffee and tea drinks. Cozy in size but with plenty of seating, take a moment to think amidst exposed brick walls, reclaimed wood furniture, and house plants basking in natural light.
Menagerie Coffee
18 S 3rd St, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Mon ~ Fri 7:00 am – 7:00 pm; Sat & Sun 8:00 am – 7:00 pm

Eye’s Gallery (ギャラリー)
※ザガールの有名なマジックガーデンは、1020 Southの通りを6ブロック歩いたところにあります。
I love a shop that implores you to think, about the tools that people use, the holidays that people celebrate, the colors that have significance in a certain cultures. Eye’s Gallery, opened in 1968 by Julia Zagar and her husband, renowned mosaic artist Isaiah Zagar, is just that type of place. The entire three floors are meticulously decorated with folk art from Mexico, Peru, and around the world. I typically go in search of a gift, and leave with that gift, plus a few treats for myself.
Bonus: Zagar’s famed Magic Gardens is just a six-block walk up the street at 1020 South.
Eye’s Gallery
402 South St, Philadelphia, PA 19147
Sun ~ Thu 11:00 am – 7:00 pm; Fri & Sat 11:00 am – 8:00 pm

※「TRAVELER’S COMPANY」および「トラベラーズノート」は株式会社デザインフィルの登録商標です。
*”TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.