Lexis Papper
(Lund, Sweden)



Lexis Paper belongs to Northern Europe’s most well-stocked paper shops. Here you find hand-picked design classics from Europe, Japan, South Korea and the USA: top quality pens, notebooks in all models, large and small items for the creative office, posters and postcards, puzzles, a large range of Tintin, lamps from Jieldé and much more. We are particularly proud of our Midori department and TRAVELER’S COMPANY, as well as an ink shelf where most of the classic manufacturers are represented.

We first came across TRAVELER’S COMPANY when it was still known as MIDORI. In 2014 we had the opportunity to go to Tokyo where we met the Designphil team at the ISOT fair. Our love and admiration for TRAVELER’S COMPANY and MIDORI was immediate.
Over the years, Misc Store in Amsterdam has made it possible for us to offer our customers a wide range of Designphil’s wonderful stationery products. With their beautiful design and lovely quality they have met an increasing demand in our shop. At the same time the very dedicated group of people that form the TRAVELER’S COMPANY’s community in Sweden and Denmark has grown considerably, especially after we had the honor of hosting the stamp caravan early last year. The group’s recurrent meet-ups at Lexis Papper brings a lot of joy and excitement to our shop, and is very inspiring to all of us, shop employees and other customers alike.


Lexis Papper
Klostergatan 3, 222 22 Lund, Sweden

Collect TRC PARTNER SHOPS Original Stamps!


Original stamps exclusive to our Partner Shops are available. We hope you will stamp your TRAVELER’S notebook as a proof of your trip to our Partner Shops.


The stamp was designed with a motif of Lund Cathedral, the symbol of Lund, the ancient capital of Sweden with more than 1,000 years of history.

Recommended Travel Spot From The Shop Owner

Love Coffee(カフェ)
Lexis Papperの隣に、スウェーデンでも有数のスペシャルティコーヒーバーがあります。ここは私たちが毎朝コーヒーを飲む場所であり、コーヒーを飲みながらたくさんの新しいプロジェクトが生まれた場所でもあります。また、ルンドのClemenstorgetエリアにも自然派ワインバーを併設する同じコーヒーバーがあります。どちらも気持ち良いテラス席があります。写真はClemenstorgetの店舗です。
Next to our shop you find one of Sweden’s best specialty coffee bars. This is a place where we have coffee almost every morning and where many new plans are formed. Love Coffee also has a lovely coffee bar and natural wine bar at Clemenstorget, and both the places have lovely outdoor seating. The picture shows Love Coffee at Clemenstorget.
Love Coffee
Klostergatan 1L, 222 22 Lund, Sweden

BOTANISKA TRÄDGÅRDEN / The Botanical Garden(植物園)
こちらは、四季折々の美しさと静けさのある楽園です。また、睡蓮の池のそばには、私たちの友人が経営する人気のカフェもあります。ルンド中心部にある、8 ヘクタールの広大な敷地に、7,000 種以上の植物が栽培されています。
Our Botanical garden is a haven of beauty and serenity all seasons, and also has a much loved café by the water lily pond, run by our friends at Patisseriet. The garden has over 7000 species grown on 8 hectares in the heart of Lund.
Östra Vallgatan 20 223 61 Lund, Sweden

Alfredos Pasta Fresca(レストラン)
You find Alfredo Pasta in the market hall among wonderful specialty shops for cheese, bread, fish, meat, wine and local products. Alfredo´s is an Italian restaurant where everyone is warmly welcomed, and where the regulars come for lovely home made pasta, pizzas, risottos, their own gelato, a large selection of very fine Italian wine and superb coffee.
Alfredos Pasta Fresca
Mårtenstorget 1 223 51 Lund, Sweden

Bjerred Saltsjöbad(浴場、レストラン)
The sea bath house is located some 600 meters from the shore, at the end of Sweden’s longest pier in Bjärred, about 10 km from Lund. Here the locals go for open-air swim and sauna baths all year around, or to visit the restaurant which has a really unique setting with 360 degrees sea view, as well as a view of the Oresund bridge and Copenhagen.
Bjerred Saltsjöbad
Box 22, 237 21 Bjärred, Sweden

Skissernas Museum / Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art(美術館)
スキセルナス美術館は、スケッチ、模型、パブリック・アートの下絵など、芸術の創造過程に焦点をあてた作品の世界最大のコレクションを所蔵しています。広い展示室には、近現代美術の鉛筆画から色彩豊かな絵画、大規模な石膏彫刻まで展示されています。アンリ・マティス、ソニア・ドローネ、ヘンリー・ムーア、フェルナン・レジェといった国際的な芸術家たちのスケッチや、ディエゴ・リベラ、ダビド・アルファロ・シケイロスなどのスケッチなど、ヨーロッパ有数のコレクションを所蔵。館内のレストラン、På Skissernasもお勧めです。
Skissernas Museum is a unique art museum that focuses on the artistic creative process. It features the world’s largest collection of sketches, models and preparatory work for public art. The large exhibition rooms hold modern and contemporary art – from small pencil drawings to colorful, monumental paintings and large-scale plaster sculptures. There are sketches by international artists such as Henri Matisse, Sonia Delaunay, Henry Moore and Fernand Léger, and one of Europe’s foremost collections of sketches by Mexican monumental painters such as Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros. We would also warmly like to recommend the restaurant, På Skissernas.
Skissernas Museum / Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art
Finngatan 2, 223 62 Lund, Sweden

Lunds domkyrka / Lund Cathedral(大聖堂)
市内中心部に建つ、美しいローマ調の大聖堂です。ここはスウェーデンで最も訪問者の多い観光名所の 1 つ。静寂のひとときを味わったり、合唱コンサートを聴いたり、天文時計や地下室を見るために、遠くから多くの旅人がやって来ます。柱に刻まれた美しい彫刻で有名です。伝説によると、これは聖ラウレンティウスとの賭けに負けた後、地下室に逃げ込み、石に固まった巨人のフィンだと言われています。南側のベンチは、春一番の日差しを感じるのに人気のスポットです
The beautiful roman cathedral dominates our city center. It is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Sweden, and people come from far away to experience a moment of silence, a choral concert, the astronomical clock or maybe the crypt. One of the columns is famous for its sculpture which hugs the column. According to the legend, this is the giant Finn, who, after a lost bet with Saint Laurentius, fled to the crypt and solidifies into stone. The benches by the south side is a favorite spot to catch the first spring sunshine.
Lunds domkyrka / Lund Cathedral
Kyrkogatan 6, 222 22 Lund, Sweden

※「TRAVELER’S COMPANY」および「トラベラーズノート」は株式会社デザインフィルの登録商標です。
*”TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.