Gentleman Store
(Prague, Czech Republic)

Gentleman Storeでトラベラーズカンパニーの商品を扱うようになったのは、オーナーの一人であるPavel Králíčekさんが、トラベラーズノートを紹介しているブログ記事を読んだのがきっかけでした。すぐに購入しようと思ったのですが、そのときはチェコでトラベラーズノートを扱っている店がなく、ヨーロッパの他の国から取り寄せる必要がありました。そのため手元に届くまでかなり時間がかかりましたが、その分Pavelさんの期待はどんどん高まっていったそうです。
そして、実際に荷物が届き、封を開けた瞬間、トラベラーズノートをGentleman Storeで取り扱うことを決めました。
The first encounter between the Gentleman Store and the TRAVELER’S COMPANY was made by one of the owners, Pavel Králíček, who was interested in the TRAVELER’S notebook after reading a blog post in which they were introduced and wanted to buy one right away. However, at that time it was not available in the Czech Republic, so he had to order it from another European country. It took a long time for it to arrive, but Pavel’s excitement didn’t wane, on the contrary, it grew. And the moment he saw the TRAVELER’S notebook, he knew he had to have it in the Gentleman Store.

Collect TRC PARTNER SHOPS Original Stamps!
Original stamps exclusive to our Partner Shops are available. We hope you will stamp your TRAVELER’S notebook as a proof of your trip to our Partner Shops.

There is a beer brewery in the neighborhood of the store where the staff are beer lovers, so we designed the stamp with beer as a motif. They also recommend Czech beer if you visit!
Recommended Travel Spot From The Shop Owner



A multicultural place where you can have a drink, beer, listen to music, go skating, go to a concert, relax. There is a beautiful view of the whole of Prague.
*”TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.