PAN AM x TRAVELER’S notebook / パンナム x トラベラーズノート
パンナム x トラベラーズノート
Pan Am/パンナムの略称で知られるパン・アメリカン航空は、1927年にアメリカで設立され、その後、路線網を世界各地へと拡大。アメリカのナショナル・フラッグ・キャリアとして世界の航空界をリードしながらも、1991年に運航を停止しました。ビートルズの初渡米に使われ、機体から降り立つ姿を世界中のメディアが発信したり、映画『2001年宇宙の旅』で宇宙を飛行する旅客機にもそのロゴが記載されたりするなど、1950年から70年代の全盛期には、世界を飛ぶ飛行機と言えば誰もがパンナムをイメージしました。
パンナムブルーと呼ばれた青を基調としたデザインは、トラベラーズノート ブルーエディションのカスタマイズにもぴったりです。あわせて使うことで、かつて空の旅に人々が描いていた夢を再び思い出してください。
Known as Pan Am, Pan American Airways was founded in the US in 1927 and expanded its network of flight routes to cover most of the world. The airliner led the world’s airline industry as the national flag carrier of the USA, until it abolished its flight operations in 1991. The Beatles took a Pan Am flight when they first visited the US, and mass media from around the world shot them walking out of the flight, showing the scene all over the world. In the motion picture “2001 – A Space Odyssey,” a spacecraft traveling in outer space carries the Pan Am logo. Thus, during the airliner’s prime years, the 1950s through the ’70s, most people in the world thought of Pan Am back then, when they talked about world airways.
Today, although Pan AM does not carry any flights, its in-flight items and advertisements, which stood for the leading designs and culture of those years, are still cherished by numerous fans.
Now, TRAVELER’S notebook is collaborating with the air travel icon, Pan Am.
Back then, air travel had yet to become commonplace among ordinary people, who dreamed of flying someday. Just looking at Pan Am’s ads, timetables and tickets was a great source of excitement. We have created new TRAVELER’S notebook refills and customization items, based on the airliner’s design archive.
Set to the keynote of “Pan Am Blue,” these new designs should prove to be very helpful as you customize your TRAVELER’S notebook Blue Edition as well. Just use them with your TRAVELER’S notebook, to imagine what dreams many had about air travel.
* These are of limited availability. In case they are sold out or out of stock, we would appreciate your understanding.
Pan Am’s 1960 timetable was our source of inspiration when we designed the unruled refills, which feature the airliner’s globe logos on the cover page to remind us of the planet. The cross-section refills, which feature a Boeing 314, a propeller aircraft that makes us nostalgic today, are designed after the airliner’s 1939 timetable.
Keep them inserted in your TRAVELER’S notebook, together with the Zipper Pocket which is designed after the ticket holder, to spend every single day of your life on a Pan Am flight.
Blank notebook / リフィル 無罫 グローブロゴ

Grid notebook / リフィル セクション ウイングロゴ

Zipper pocket / リフィル ジッパーケース

Inspired by Pan Am’s boarding commemoration stickers, baggage labels and tags and ads, the stickers come in two lines – a collection featuring the globe logo which debuted in 1955, and another carrying the wing logo which was in use back in the 1940s until it was replaced by the globe logo. Enjoy pasting our stickers that offer the sense of each era to customize your TRAVELER’S notebook, like travelers do on their suitcases.
Stickers / ステッカー グローブロゴ

Stickers / ステッカー ウイングロゴ

The brass body is painted in matte Pan Am Blue, while the globe logo charm adorns its head to remind you of the muddler used on board. Just push it in a shirt pocket, and the Pan AM logo will greet others when they see it. In reality, the airliner’s crew back around 1960 did not wear such an item, but this brass ball-point pen makes people imagine that.
Brass ball point pen / ブラスボールペン

パンナムのグローブロゴを印刷したペンホルダーです。革の色はトラベラーズノート ブルーエディションと同じ濃い青。ブルーエディションに取り付けて、パンナムブラスペンをセットすれば、気分はパンナムの機内クルー!
With the Pan Am globe logo printed on it, the pen holder has the same dark blue of TRAVELER’S Blue Edition in its leather portion. Attach it to your Blue Edition and let it hold the Pan Am Brass Pen above, so you feel like a member of the Pan-Am -flight crew!
Penholder / ペンホルダー