Toshiaki Yamada (Singer Song Writer)
山田 稔明 (シンガーソングライター)

僕は自分の作品、CDのことを意識的に「レコード」と呼ぶことにしている。僕自身がアナログ好きで日に一枚は中古盤を買うような類の人間だということもあるけれども、音楽作品を作ることは自分にとって〝日々の記録 = record 〟だから、意思を込めて「レコード」に歌を吹き込むのだ。


Record, and archiving everyday lives.

I intentionally use the word “record” when I refer to the music pieces and CDs I composed. Well, it’s partly because I actually like records to the level where I buy used records every single day. But when you come to think about it, composing a tune from my point of view is a “record of my daily life,” so I put my will and passion to adding tunes into the “record.”

People ask me when I come up with the lyrics. My answer to that question is “anytime.” There are inspirations everywhere. For example, in the contrast of light and shadows that appear in our daily lives, and even in some random conversations we engage. If I can instantly realize this inspiration hitting me and luckily have an iPhone, or a pen and paper with me, then I can capture this shiny something and use it in my songs. Except for some of the memories that get embedded into our brains, most of the impressions we carry slips away from us as time proceeds, and that’s simply cumbersome.

When I first met TRAVELER’S notebook, I thought to myself “this is a notebook that I always want to have within my reach.” I unconsciously touch and scribble down onto the notebook, and that makes it dirty and filled with scratch marks, but that resembles the indigo color gradually fading its tone to the owner’s favorite color.

During the recording that lasted for two years since 2011, I recorded all the things that happened into my TRAVELER’S notebook. When I’m feeling great, the pressure I put on the paper through my pen is strong, and when things don’t go the way I expect, I just scribble through the notebook in a light manner, and in retrospect, it tells me how I felt back then. In one of the records that I finally made, I gave the name “A New Era of Blue,” but I think this old TRAVELER’S notebook that spent time with me seems to have observed this arrival of the “new era” in a patient manner.

In the first tune played on this record, I sing the phrase “the words I want to express are in my heart, I kept on hiding it in my notebook.” But let me tell you this, the “notebook” that appears in my lyric is the TRAVELER’S notebook. Every little thing that was recorded in this notebook will soon fly out as part of my music. With a courageous partner that I acquired, I would like to go on a new and long journey. Let’s record as much details as possible into your notebook and go back home.

山田 稔明 (シンガーソングライター)
1993年にバンドGOMES THE HITMANを結成、1999年のデビュー以降、様々な楽曲提供と並行してソロ活動を本格化、『pilgrim』『home sweet home』とアルバムを発表。ソロ弾き語りやバンド編成など様々な形態で全国のカフェやギャラリー、ライブハウスを巡回している。
2015年11月、小説『猫と五つ目の季節』を発売。(mille books刊)
Toshiaki Yamada (Singer Song Writer)
Born in Saga Prefecture in 1973.
In 1993, he organizes a band called “GOMES THE HITMAN,” and in 1999, made a major debut. While providing tunes for other singers and bands, he has also started his solo career, and released several albums including “pilgrim,” “home sweet home,” and “the new era of blue.” He travels through cafes, live houses, and galleries around Japan in various forms including solo recitals and organizing a band.
In 2015, he released his fourth solo album “the loved one.”