Shuichi Tsuji / 辻 秀一(スポーツドクター)

Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability の頭文字をとった略語で、「地球環境や自然保護に配慮しながら健康で心豊かに暮らしましょう!!」という人類と地球の共有メッセージです。

“Right-Brain Notebook”
As a sports doctor, Mr. Tsuji supports athletes such a professional golfers, J-League soccer players, tennis players, and other clients including children and businesswomen. Not only does he support those people through medical activity, he also does lectures and writing as well.
Mr. Tsuji uses TRAVELER’S notebook as his “Right-Brain Notebook” to record words and phrases that he wants to keep in his mind.
“I used to make words and phrases I like sink into myself by repeatedly speaking to other people about it. In that sense, I never had a habit of taking notes. But at the same time, I always wished I had a notebook for my right brain where I can store memories that I really need.”
The word he recently wrote was “LOHAS.”
LOHAS stands for “Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, and it’s a shared message by the people and Earth where it stresses the importance of living healthy and rich while caring for the environment and preserving nature.

辻 秀一 (スポーツドクター)
「スポーツは医療である、芸術である、コミュニケーションである、教育である」を、コンセプトとした理念共有型スポーツクラブ「エミネクロス・スポーツワールド」を立ち上げる他、企業をチームと見立てたチームドクターとして成果重視のコンサルティング活動も始めている。また、スポーツを通した人々の QOL向上を目指して、精力的に活動中。
Shuichi Tsuji (Sports Doctor)
Born in Tokyo in 1961. He is the representative of Eminecross Sports World, which is a non-profit organization.
“Sports is medication, art, communication, and education.” Based on this concept, he established an idea sharing sports club called “Eminecross Sports World.” He also does consulting where he works as a sports doctor to raise the performance and output of companies. Through this consulting, he sees companies as sports team. He also engages in an activity where he tries raising the quality of life of people through sports.