Hiroshi Eguchi / 江口 宏志(UTRECHT[ユトレヒト]代表)
というのも、日常のありふれたことでも続けて記していくことで、連なりや繋がりがみえてきて、それがまとまって一つの作品になる、というような本がとても好きなので。例えばフランス人アーティストのソフィ・カルの「L’Hotel」という本。彼女はベニスのホテルに実際にホームキーパーとして働き、毎日、ルームクリーニングのために部屋に入り、その状況を淡々と記した上で、写真と共に記し一冊の本にしています。やっていることは全く通常の行いだけど、数週間、人のプライベートをモノを通じて記していくことで、人間の行為そのものを浮き上がらせることになっている。 ちょっと脱線しましたが、トラベラーズノートでやってみたいことは、日常にあるテーマを設定して、一冊のノートにまとめていくことのような気がします。何か意味があるかどうかということは後から見返して判断するくらいの気持ちで。
こうして、『50 paperbacks for 50 friends』 とタイトルを付けたのが、このトラベラーズノートです。50人の友人に 50冊の文庫本をプレゼントして、その記録を一冊にしました。たとえば、尊敬する絵本編集者には北杜夫の「ぼくのおじさん」(挿絵は和田誠)、鯖江の職人さんと新しいメガネ作りに取り組んでいるメガネ屋の友人にはいとうせいこうの「職人ワザ!」、野球好きのグラフィックデザイナーには、高橋源一郎の「優雅で感傷的な日本野球」を、以前ニューヨークのブルックリンフリー(フリーマーケット)に一緒に行った友人にはジェイムズ・スティヴンスンの「大雪のニューヨークを歩くには」といった具合。
My first impression towards TRAVELER’S notebook was that it looked somewhat like a heavily used book cover. I feel that TRAVELER’S notebook puts itself somewhere in between a rigid pocketbook and a casual notebook. As I bought the notebook, I inserted a book inside. The thought process that followed this action was quite simple. Simple in a sense that I have a tendency of taking notes while reading books. So inserting a book and a refill worked quite well as a strategy.
The size of TRAVELER’S notebook resembles a book that people handle with care. The first page on the notebook refill that has a frame printed reminds people of a title page of a book, and that made me think of using this notebook under a single theme.
I personally enjoy reading books that deal with the everyday lives of ordinary people. To be more specific, books that focus on ordinary people and creates a linkage, and in the end, that turns itself into a single artwork. An example of this will be Sophie Calle’s book L’ Hotel. This is based on her actual experience as a home keeper working at a hotel in Venice. She enters a room, depicts the image inside through a chain of words, adds a photo, and creates a single book in the end. The action taken here is nothing really special, but by depicting the private side of people’s lives, it’s possible to bring a light on the human actions.
I know I went off topic, but what I want to do with TRAVELER’S notebook is that I want to set a theme based on our everyday lives, and inscribe it into a single notebook. In the process of filling the notebook, I don’t think about the meaning it brings. That for me is to decide after completing it.
With this thought in mind, I gave the name “50 paperbacks for 50 friends” to TRAVELER’S notebook. I recorded the process of sending 50 different types of paperbacks to 50 different friends. For example, to an editor that deals with picture books, I sent Morio Kita’s Boku no Ojisan (with illustrations by Makoto Wada). To a friend that makes eyeglasses with a craftsman in Sabae (a Japanese district famous for making frames for eyeglasses), I sent Shokunin-waza by Ito Seiko. To a graphic designer passionate about baseball, I sent Genichiro Takahashi’s Yūga de Kanshōteki na Nippon Yakyū (A Sentimental and Luxurious Japanese Baseball), and to a friend that went to a flea market in Brooklyn, I sent James Stevenson’s essay.
All the books traveled to my friends place, and I use TRAVELER’S notebook to record the selections I made. I also draw an image of the books I gave, and I feel that this adds a different form of attractiveness to the book by reflecting the impression of the reader. I have to admit that my drawing is not good, but that’s what I keep in mind whenever I draw.
The beauty of TRAVELER’S notebook is that the more you use it, the better it becomes. Obviously, the leather cover plays a major role in it, but the paper that suits in writing has a perfect thickness, and the used feeling also makes the notebook profound.
As I look back into the notebook that I filled in, new books and people I want to send as a gift started appearing into my mind.
2008年には表参道に「UTRECHT/NOW IDeA」をオープン。
「MUJI BOOKS」他、本のある空間のディレクションを行う。
東京初のアートブックフェア「ZINE'S MATE / THE TOKYO ART BOOKFAIR」、国連大学前で行われる本の直売所「Bookman's Market」、体験、共感型の新しいイベント「D♥Y (ディー・アイ・ワイ)」など作り手と買い手をつなげる活動を行っている。
In 2002, he opened a book store called “UTRECHT,” and in 2008, opened “UTRECHT/NOW IDeA” in Omotesando, Tokyo.
He is known for directing spaces that have books, and “MUJI BOOKS” is one of his past works.
He is also known for his actions that connect the creators and users and includes events such as “ZINE’S MATE / THE TOKYO ART BOOKFAIR,” which is the first art book fair in Tokyo. “Bookman’s Market” and a DIY type event known as “D♥Y.”