We are pleased to announce that Merci collaboration items will be available at Merci and TRAVELER’S FACTORY. There will be2 kinds of Brass Ballpoint Pen such as Merci logo is printed on a matte black body of the pen, and naked brass body with the laser-marked logo. Merci collaboration Brass Ballpoint Pen will be available at only Merci in Paris and TRAVELER’S FACTORY stores in Japan.
As you know, Merci means Thank you in French.
With this Brass Ballpoint Pen in hand, and with that remember the wonderful space of Merci in Paris, we hope it makes people feel saying “Thank you/Merci” for every encounter during your travel.
ブラスボールペン Merci 黒
Brass Ballpoint Pen Merci Solid Brass
Brass Ballpoint Pen Merci Black
Collaboration items will be available at Merci in Paris on October 15, and at TRAVELER’S FACTORY stores in Japan starting October 16, and TRAVELER’S FACTORY Online Shop on October 30 in Japan.
2009年3月にパリのマレ地区にオープンしたセレクトショップ。1850年代の壁紙工場の跡地をスタッフ全員で改装した店内には、ファッション、インテリア、雑貨、日常生活品まで幅広くセレクトされた商品が並び、カフェやレストランも併設しています。収益を恵まれない子供たちを支援する団体に寄付するというコンセプトを持ち、『Bonpoint(ボンポワン)』の創業者でもあるコーエン夫妻が、世の中のために自分たちができることはないかと考えたことがきっかけで生まれました。『トラベラーズノート』『ブラスプロダクト』などもそのコンセプトやデザインが評価され、2009年12月よりコレクションに加えられています。 アイコンとなっている赤いフィアットが置かれた中庭を抜け、吹き抜けになっているメインエントランスを開けると、パリらしいおしゃれで明るくポジティブな雰囲気に包まれる、パリ最先端のスポットです。
“Merci” is a specialty item store which opened in Le Marais, Paris, in March 2009. Its entire staff remodeled the remains of a wallpaper factory from the 1850s to create this store which carries special items of numerous kinds ranging from fashion, interior, and miscellaneous items to articles for daily use, and so on. The store also runs a cafe and two restaurants. Its founders, Mr. and Mrs. Cohen, who are also the founders of “Bonpoint,” were looking for something they could do to help the society, and decided to launch “merci”. Thus, the store works on the principle that part of its profits must be donated to charity organizations taking care of unfortunate children. The specialty item store, which since December 2009 has been carrying the TRAVELER’S notebook and BRASS PRODUCTS, appreciates their design and concept. When you visit “merci”, walk through the yard with its icon, a red Fiat, and open the door to the high-ceiling main entrance. There, you will find a fashionable, bright, and happy space. This is Paris! Indeed, “merci” is one of the trendiest places in the city.
*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.